HomeArt & Children exhibition with Runvido during Expo 2020 in Dubai.NewsArt & Children exhibition with Runvido during Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Art & Children exhibition with Runvido during Expo 2020 in Dubai.

On October 1, 2021, Poland officially inaugurated its presence at Expo 2020 Dubai. During the three months since the opening of the Polish Pavilion, many events were held to promote Polish culture, economy and business potential of companies. The culminating moments were the Polish-Arab Economic Forum on December 6, 2021 and the Polish Day on December 7, 2021. The organizer of Poland's participation in Expo 2020 Dubai and the comprehensive economic program is the Polish Investment and Trade Agency.

The Polish Pavilion is a child-friendly place. The youngest in a special workshop area use many educational tools of Polish companies. Between 01.11. and on November 5, 2021, the exhibition "Art & Children", prepared by Polish artist Sylwia Grochowska, took place. Runvido provided its technology - a mobile application based on augmented reality. Thanks to it, visitors saw 14 large-format animated pictures through the application.

Podsumowując, wystawa promuje twórcze podejście do kwestii edukacji. Otwiera dzieci na poszukiwania estetyczne i upowszechnianie dziedzictwa kulturowego za pomocą nowych technologii. Młodzi widzowie również poznają twórczość światowej klasy artystów, m.in. Romana Opałki, Wojciecha Fangora i Zofii Stryjeńskiej.

Information about the event and the participation of the Runvido company in the exhibition of the Polish Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai was described, among others, by in the following articles:


EXPO 2020

Presentation in German


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